John 4 contains one of the most famous accounts in the gospels—Jesus’ confrontation with the Samaritan woman at the well. One of the issues that stands out to me is Jesus’ brief discussion of worship in verses 23 and 24: But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.The woman asked Jesus about the physical place of worship. The Samaritans and the Jews had been feuding for years regarding the proper place to worship. Jesus sets the record straight by demonstrating that worship of God is not restricted to a place. This has significant consequences for how we understand worship.
Jesus asserts that the physical location of worship is irrelevant. Worship is not restricted to a temple, synagogue, church building, alter, closet, etc. Even today some people believe that by being in one of these places they are somehow “closer” to God or that their worship is more genuine. But Jesus states that those who worship him must do so in “spirit.” Worship is a matter of our being, not our location. Now as a side note, I am not stating that getting alone in a quiet place with God each day is wrong. In fact, I strongly encourage people to find a place each day that will be free of distractions where they can focus their mind and heart upon the Lord. But this in no way should make us believe that physical location promotes or inhibits worship of God. The only thing that restricts a believer’s attempted worship is their own sin and heart.
This being said, what exactly does Jesus say about worship? He says we must worship God in spirit and in truth. Jesus explains that God is a Spirit, therefore we must worship him in spirit. By spirit, Jesus means our soul which is in reference to our entire being. Jesus is referencing the total person here: the mind, heart, and will. Worship of God is not seated in the realm of emotion, nor is it relegated to a mere mental exercise. Worship involves my rational mind, the emotions and values of my heart, and my conscience decision making. When I worship God my mind in engaged. My mind is focused upon God, not myself. As a Pastor I am often approached by people asking if I could recommend a devotional study or something similar. The problem with most of today’s Christian literature is that it does not magnify the greatness of God in the mind. Most Christian literature today is nearly identical to secular self-help books with a Bible verse thrown in. God has called us to worship him and this begins with the mind as we focus upon who he is. The only way this can be accomplished is when we engage the Scriptures.
Our hearts are also involved. The heart is the seat of emotion and the place of value. You and I place a certain level of value on everything and everyone in our lives. This level of value influences our relationship with that person or thing. So how much do you value God? Too many Christians view God as the tool to get them out of Hell but fail to view him as a person. When we fail to place God at the center of our hearts, as the one of highest value, we cannot worship him properly. For if anything else holds a higher value than God you will give worship to something else other than God. Where does God rank in your life. Is God the one who determines the course of your life? Or are you driven by loves, passions, desires, and goals that side-step God’s will?
The will brings both the mind and heart together. What we know and what we value informs our decision-making. God did not design you like a robot. He did not preprogram you to worship him at his command. Instead, God made you a person, like himself. He wants you to know him and desire him so that you will make the free and conscious choice to choose to worship him. How many times do you choose to put things before God? How many times do you choose to neglect God’s Word and time in prayer? Maybe you struggle with surrendering time to God. If so, these choices are because of the other desires within your heart that war for significance over God. At times, this stems from not truly knowing the God of the Bible. Some people think they know God, but really all they understand is a figment or image of God that has been given to them.
We must worship God with our whole person (our spirit). But Jesus also says we must worship him in truth. This means our worship must be properly informed. Unless we have accurate knowledge of the God we worship, we cannot worship in truth. Those who wish to worship biblically must worship God as he is revealed in Scripture. Unbiblical views of God must be rejected. Many Christians choose their church, their participation at church, amount of time with God, engagement of the Scriptures, standards of morality, the way they dress, etc. based solely upon their feelings and preferences. It is becoming increasingly rare for people to actually want to demonstrate God’s holiness, purity, and majesty in every area of their lives. In large part, this is because people simply don’t know the God of the Bible. Jesus is telling the Samaritan woman that worship of God is impossible if it is misinformed. This is why it is imperative for Christians to know their God personally. To know about him, and to know him.
God’s Word should influence everything in our lives. Christians need to start allowing Scripture to shape how we see the world and how we live our lives. But more importantly, the Bible should be the agent we allow to guide our worship. Churches should sing songs that are rooted in Scripture and magnify the person and attributes of God. Sermons should be rooted in biblical theology. Ministry should demonstrate the practice of our theological beliefs. Individually, Christians should seek to live by faithful and loving obedience unto God. For as Romans 12:1, 2 states: I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Let your life be defined by your worship of God. Get to know the God who loves you and choose today to allow his truth to guide you into worship of him.
God bless!