God Bless!
Grounded in Biblical Ethics
“I Am With You Always, To The End of The Age”
A Blessed Promise
The Need for This Promise
The following link leads to a past sermon that compliments this article: https://www.ahoskiechurch.com/sermons-2/
Simply click on the link and select the sermon entitled: “To the End of The Age”
Molded by Truth
Reclaiming Culture for The Glory of God
Defining Terms
Three Possible Relationships
Machen’s third option for engaging culture is the most biblical. Christianity cannot abstain from culture nor should it try to destroy the culture around it. Christianity is founded upon the historical biblical claims of God’s revelation. Christians should seek to reclaim culture by living as a part of it with a biblical worldview. However, Christians should also never forget that they are called to fulfill the Great Commission. The more souls that are led to faith in Christ the more influence Christianity will have in consecrating the culture for the glory of God and the service of his kingdom.
The Problem of Evil
The following link will go the “sermons” page of Ahoskie Church. Select the sermon titled “The Obstacles to Discipleship: Obstacle 2 – Spiritual Warfare” to hear a sermon about this topic.
He Is There and He Has Spoken
Have a great week! God bless!
Abba! Father!
Have a great week! God Bless!
The Place of Scripture
Have a good week. God Bless!
Seeking The Face of God
Have a blessed week!
Pure Worship
God bless!
Becoming the Sheep
God Bless!
Fulfilling the Great Commandment – Part 2
How can you obey the two Great Commandments this week? How can you demonstrate your love for God and others? My challenge to you is to demonstrate this love to someone in your life who is usually “unlovable.” Jesus said in Luke 6:32-33 “If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same” (ESV). Or maybe you need to work on building godly relationships with those in your church and seek to truly become a part of the family that God has placed you in. These commands are not as easy to obey as some may think. But with God’s grace you can allow these commands from God to become an integral part of your life. God loves you and wants to teach you how to love others. This is fundamental for the Christian and for the Kingdom of God.
Fulfilling the Great Commandment
Next week we will look at the second half of the great commandment—to love our neighbor as ourselves. Have a great week and God bless!
Delighting in The Lord
It is a wonderful blessing to live in the will of God and be able to delight in him. What is God to you? Is he the desire of your heart, or is he simply a religious idea? Do you desire to serve God, or has your heart of desire been robbed by the carnal things of life? I encourage you to seek after a heart for God and learn to delight in him. Commit your way to the Lord and trust him. If you will do this, then I can assure you that he will bring a sense of fulfillment and joy to your life as he works through you to advance his kingdom mission.
Searching For Wisdom
- You can have joy in the midst of the trial. If you’re a disciple of Jesus Christ, the reason you can have joy during the trials of life is because God providentially uses these trials to strengthen your faith. Notice how James states, “the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” Although the trial may, for a time, cause you stress, anxiety, or even fear, you can find peace in the person and work of God. He has promised to not let your trials, pain, and suffering be in vain. He can use these things to strengthen your faith in him. James encourages his readers to find joy in this promise.
- God Uses Trials to Sanctify Us. Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to change us to become more holy. Notice how the text reads “and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” You can find joy in knowing that God is working in your life, even through the difficulties and struggles, to mold you into the person he desires you to be—a person who can reflect his majesty and glory.
- God Provides Divine Wisdom. When dealing with these trials, our natural way of resolving the issues is to seek for a natural solution that is rooted in human wisdom. Depending on the situation, some people reach out to friends, parents, close relatives, or even Google to help find wisdom that will provide clarity to their struggle. While all of these avenues can provide a plethora of human wisdom, many times these same avenues will fail. However, God has promised that if his children will simply trust in him and ask for his divine wisdom, then he will provide it. He is the omniscient (all-knowing) God, but despite our belief in this fact we may still struggle with trusting God to give us his wisdom. The reason this is difficult is because many times God gives us wisdom not so we can solve our problem independently of him, but so he can work in our lives to sanctify us and strengthen our faith. We go to God asking for wisdom because we want the knowledge to solve our own problems. God on the other hand wants us to trust in his solution as he desires to work through our trials in a way that will glorify himself through our sanctification. God has promised to give his wisdom “generously,” but only if we ask “in faith.” This faith is a trust in God’s wisdom that requires us to be patient and allows him to work in our lives.
God Bless!
Grieving For One Another
- Pray for Them. I don’t mean a short, quick, and thoughtless prayer. I encourage you to spend many hours a week praying for people. If you truly believe that God’s Word is true and that He answers prayers, then one of the greatest ways to practice love is to regularly pray for others. Prayer not only reaches the throne room of God, it also changes your heart and causes you to grow in your love for others.
- Show Them Kindness. I don’t mean to just be nice to them. You need to intentionally go out of your way to show them kindness. Offer them the chance to feel the love of God through you. Even if they reject it, do not ever stop showing them love through kindness.
- Confront Them. This is absolutely the hardest thing I have to do. When a person claims to be a Christian, yet they are not living in the will of God, they need to be confronted. Part of making disciples is being a church member that loves his/her brothers and sisters enough to confront them about their sin or their apathy. The only way to defeat the fear of confronting others is to love them more than yourself. Believe me, I know it’s not easy. But I am also aware that it’s better to confront a brother or sister in Christ, than it is to let them fall into a lifestyle of sin.
Who is it in your life that needs you to care about their soul? It could be your spouse, child, grandchild, mother, father, brother, sister, fellow church member, co-worker, etc. Will you love them enough to pray for them and confront them? Will you obey the Lord’s command to be a disciple-maker? I must warn you that loving someone this much will cause you grief. Often times you find yourself facing a situation where you don’t want to admit that those you love are not living in the will of God. But even as I sit here grieving for those I love, I find peace knowing God is using this grief in my life to push me to be the disciple-maker he has called me to be. I also find peace in knowing that my Lord, Jesus Christ, will empower me to obey him if I will simply trust in him.
For Me to Live is Christ
Have a great week!
The Pursuit of God
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This quote from A. W. Tozer has been a favorite of mine for years. Most people today, especially those of my own generation, fail to meditate upon the God the Bible. Our intellectual apathy has crippled us in our spiritual pursuits of God and has unfortunately led to a shallow view of the Almighty. We need to pursue after a proper view of God. When I read the Psalms, I find an incredible personalized experience with the Lord. The psalmists always seem to have a personal, yet reverent, relationship with God. It was as if they were able to peer beyond this world and see the majestic God. This view of God produced a reverent fear of the Almighty which led these men of God to trust him with a faith so powerful that not even a lifetime of persecution, agony, or depression could stop them from worshiping their Lord.
Because He Lives